Coherent HB for UE4
A modern user interface library for games
Hummingbird for Android and iOS

Hummingbird for Android and iOS

Hummingbird has experimental support for Android and iOS platforms.

Please check the Known Issues section for more info.

In order to build UE4 Projects with Hummingbird for Android and iOS platforms you don't have to do anything out of the ordinary. Just follow the standard UE4 workflow described below.

Building for Android requires Android SDK, NDK, JDK and Ant. For the exact versions you should check the UE4 documentation.

Hummingbird for Android requires GLES3 as it is the only supported rendering backend. GLES2 and Vulkan backends are not supported.

Building for iOS requires Mac OSX 10.9.2+, XCode 5.1+ and iTunes. You will also need to be a certified Mac developer and have a valid developer certificate and iOS mobile provisioning.

Since some texture compression formats are not supported on iOs, you would also need to turn on the "Cook ASTC texture data for Metal" option in "Project settings->iOS". This will ensure that all of your textures are compressed properly.

UE4 mobile build requirements and general information:

UE4 development for Android:

UE4 development for iOS:

If you are trying to build iOS from Windows and you are hitting RSync issues with SSH keys or missing SSH.exe, you should check the links below: