Coherent GT Unity3D Guide
A modern user interface library for games
Transitioning from Coherent UI 2.x

Coherent GT makes transitioning the whole UI or just some Views from Coherent UI 2.x very easy. The API provided is very similar, with classes residing in the Coherent.UIGT and Coherent.UI namespaces respectively. You should only change the components used.

If you've been using multiple contexts with CoherentUI 2.x, you should switch to using a single one in GT since multiple UISystems are not supported

When transitioning, only the initialization and rendering parts for a View require changes. The Binding and Input APIs are 100% compatible, so no changes there should be done.

Content created for Coherent UI 2.x should run without changes on Coherent GT. Note however that the 'coherent.js' file may contain differences depending on your version.

Always use the correct file for the runtime that is currently rendering your View.