Coherent GT Unity3D Guide
A modern user interface library for games

To enable the localization facility in Unity3D you need to attach the CoherentUIGTLocalization component to a gameobject in your scene and populate its fields. Then make sure Enable Localization box on the CoherentUIGTSystem is ticked.

Check out the localization sample scene from the package to see it in action.

CoherentUIGTLocalization component supports importing and exporting of CSV files. It accepts the following format: id, text. There are couple of .csv's in the localization sample folder you can look at.

More useful things to know:

  • In your HTML page you need to add the data-l10n-id attribute to any element you need localized.
  • To change the language you need to call ChangeLanguage on the current system localization manager and pass the language Id.
  • Localization is system-wide and not per view. You only need one localization component per scene. You can also call DontDestroyOnLoad on its gameobject to make it persistent between the scenes.