Coherent GT Unity3D Guide
A modern user interface library for games
Unity3D uGUI Integration

To use a Coherent GT View inside Unity3D's new GUI, you need to draw it onto a texture and forward the input from that texture to the view as page coordinates. There is a sample included in the package that shows how that works.

The scene from the sample contains 4 important components:

  • Raw Image component to draw onto.
  • RenderViewOnRawImageGT script that renders the view onto the Raw Image component.
  • InputForwardFromUnityGUIGT script that translates the input coordinates from the Raw Image component to page coordinates.
  • Coherent GT View component.

You can reuse the two scripts from the sample in your scenes if you need to use Coherent GT View inside Unity3D's UI. Just add these four components onto a gameobject. If you need to disable the input, just disable the InputForwardFromUnityGUIGT component.