Coherent GT
A modern user interface library for games
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 CCoherent::UIGT::ArrayA bindable array structure
 Crenoir::RendererBackend::BackendCommandsBufferStructure that holds a rendering commands list
 CCoherent::UIGT::BinderProvides binding between C++ and the UI
 CCoherent::UIGT::BitmapFontDescriptionStruct representing bitmap font data
 Crenoir::BlendingStateState of the GPU blending
 CCoherent::UIGT::IDiskCache::CacheEntryIdDescribes a disk cache entry
 CCoherent::UIGT::BitmapFontDescription::CharInfoStruct representing data for individual char
 Crenoir::ColorColor used in Renoir
 Crenoir::ColorMatrixMatrix for color manipulations
 Crenoir::CommandBufferCommand buffer used for recording of rendering commands which can later be executed on a given renoir::Scene instance. It is represented as a linear memory blob in which command structures are recorded. Different Command Buffers can be recorded in parallel and on different threads than the rendering thread, but can only be executed on the rendering thread where the Scene instance lives. CommandBuffers are either created for a specific texture as render target or using the render target of the scene they execute on
 Crenoir::CommonRenderingLibraryParamsCommon initialization parameters of the Rendering library
 CCoherent::UIGT::SystemSettingsSettings for the UISystem
 Crenoir::RenderingLibraryParamsInitialization parameters of the Rendering library
 Crenoir::RendererBackend::ConstantBufferUpdateDataRepresents the full data for a frame of a constant buffer for bulk update
 Crenoir::DepthStencilStateDepth-stencil state
 Crenoir::DepthStencilTextureDescription of a DS texture
 CCoherent::UIGT::DiskCacheSettingsSettings for the disk cache
 CCoherent::UIGT::EventModifiersStateThe state of the key modifiers when an event happens
 CCoherent::UIGT::EventMouseModifiersStateThe state of the mouse modifiers when an event happens
 CCoherent::UIGT::FeatureListEnabled features for the UI system
 Crenoir::float2Vector with 2 floats
 Crenoir::float3Vector with 3 floats
 Crenoir::float4Vector with 4 floats
 Crenoir::float4x44x4 matrix
 CCoherent::UIGT::FrameCaptureDebugging class holding debug frame captured data and size. Passed to FrameCaptureCallback on View::BeginCaptureDebugFrame and View::CaptureSingleDebugFrame methods
 CCoherent::UIGT::FunctorTraits< T >Provides information about function objects
 CCoherent::UIGT::FunctorTraits< R()>
 CCoherent::UIGT::FunctorTraits< R(A0)>
 CCoherent::UIGT::FunctorTraits< R(A0, A1)>
 CCoherent::UIGT::FunctorTraits< R(A0, A1, A2)>
 CCoherent::UIGT::FunctorTraits< R(A0, A1, A2, A3)>
 CCoherent::UIGT::FunctorTraits< R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)>
 CCoherent::UIGT::FunctorTraits< ResultType(ClassType::*)()>
 CCoherent::UIGT::FunctorTraits< ResultType(ClassType::*)(Arg0Type)>
 CCoherent::UIGT::FunctorTraits< ResultType(ClassType::*)(Arg0Type, Arg1Type)>
 CCoherent::UIGT::FunctorTraits< ResultType(ClassType::*)(Arg0Type, Arg1Type, Arg2Type)>
 CCoherent::UIGT::FunctorTraits< ResultType(ClassType::*)(Arg0Type, Arg1Type, Arg2Type, Arg3Type)>
 CCoherent::UIGT::FunctorTraits< ResultType(ClassType::*)(Arg0Type, Arg1Type, Arg2Type, Arg3Type, Arg4Type)>
 CCoherent::UIGT::GamepadStateRepresents the entire state of a single gamepad
 CCoherent::UIGT::HTTPHeaderEncapsulates a HTTP header field with its content
 Crenoir::IAllocatorAllocator interface used by Rendering Library for all memory allocations. The user has to provide an object that imlements this interface
 CCoherent::UIGT::IDiskCacheInterface for persisting cached data from the network. The user is free to use any persistency method for the cached data
 Crenoir::IFileManipulatorObject capable of enumerating directories and opening files
 CCoherent::UIGT::FileManipulatorObject capable of enumerating directories and opening files
 Crenoir::IRenderingLibraryThis class encapsulates the global Rendering library
 Crenoir::IStreamReaderObject capable streaming file contents
 CCoherent::UIGT::StreamReaderObject capable streaming file contents
 CCoherent::UIGT::BitmapFontDescription::KerningPairInfoStruct representing kerning info between chars
 CCoherent::UIGT::KeyEventDataA keyboard event
 CCoherent::UIGT::LoadResourceResponseUIGTObjects of this type are used from the client to control the loading of the resources
 CCoherent::UIGT::LocalizationManagerTakes care of translating text between different locales
 CCoherent::UIGT::MouseEventDataA mouse event
 CCoherent::UIGT::PaintRectRepresents a painted rectangular region of the View
 Crenoir::PipelineStateWhole pipeline state
 CCoherent::UIGT::ProxySettingsProxy settings for network connections
 Crenoir::RendererBackendA Renoir renderer backend implements API or engine-specific rendering. Ready-made backends are provided and can be directly used or modified to fit engine needs. The backend has two logical types of operations. There are resource operations (create vertex buffer, index buffer, texture etc.) and actual rendering state commands (set pixel shader, draw etc.). The Renoir Core will call BeginCommands() before starting a batch for drawing and EndCommands() when it's finished. The commands can encompass multiple scenes and even frames. All resource commands happen vefore all state commands. This means that all resources will be created and/or updated and then ExecuteRendering() will be called with all the actual rendering on those resources. This behaviour is guaranteed, makes resource management much simpler and allow for easier parallelization of the backend. The backend also implements the "click-through" functionality
 Crenoir::RendererCapsTells the Renoir Core, what is supported in this backend. It's important to correctly fill the structure in order to achieve maximum performance
 CCoherent::UIGT::ResourceHandlerProvides a way for the client application to read the resources required by the UI system
 CCoherent::UIGT::ResourceRequestUIGTRepresents a single URL request (read-only) Allows monitoring of URL requests
 CCoherent::UIGT::ResourceResponseUIGTObjects of this type are used from the client to read resources requested by the UI system
 Crenoir::Sampler2DDescription of a sampler object
 CCoherent::UIGT::ScreenshotResponseInterface for sending screenshot data to the test driver
 Crenoir::SlimVertexSlim vertex used by some geometries
 Crenoir::StandardVertexCommon vertex format used by Renoir
 Crenoir::CommandBuffer::StrokeDashInfoStruct representing dash strokes
 CCoherent::UIGT::SystemSettingsWithExternalRenderingLibraryGlobal settings for the UI system
 CCoherent::UIGT::SystemSettingsSettings for the UISystem
 Crenoir::Texture2DDescription of a texture 3D object
 CCoherent::UIGT::TouchEventDataA touch event
 CCoherent::UIGT::TypeDescriptionHelper class for describing types
 CCoherent::UIGT::UISystemEncapsulates basic UI system functionality
 CCoherent::UIGT::UISystemListenerInterface for UI system notifications and callbacks
 CCoherent::UIGT::UISystemRendererEncapsulates the rendering backend of the UI system
 Crenoir::UpdateBoxBox used for updating resources
 CCoherent::UIGT::URLComponentStruct for storing a component of an URL Used by URLParser::Parse to return the scheme, network location, query and fragment components of an URL
 CCoherent::UIGT::ViewClass that encapsulates a UI View (an HTML5 page and JS context) Provides all manipulation and query functions for the view
 CCoherent::UIGT::ViewInfoEncapsulates the options of a View
 CCoherent::UIGT::ViewListenerThe class provides a way to listen to the events generated by a View Override it to implement logic that depends on the View event
 CCoherent::UIGT::ViewRendererUsed for drawing a View To create a renderer for a View please use the UISystemRenderer::CreateViewRenderer method