Prysm is perfect for designers, giving you the ability to create a game user interface using Adobe CC. There is no need for code, simply design, animate and add interactions. Prysm allows for quick integration and you will soon be running your UI in under a millisecond per frame.


Visual workflow is the best workflow for artists

Spend less time writing game UI code by utilizing HTML5/JavaScript - a technology with a huge community and extensive knowledge base. Pick a JS library and have it do the heavy lifting. Iterate quickly and modify the UI while the game is still running.

Visual workflow is the best workflow for artists
AAA games deserve AAA visuals

AAA games deserve AAA visuals

Use everything Adobe'sⓇ CC has to offer and add more to it. Prysm's plugin for AnimateⓇ CC will serve as the link to your game - making sure your UI scales as the game changes resolution, letting you render in-world elements in the UI and a lot more.

Seamless engine integration

Using Unreal or Unity? Prysm is already integrated. Have your own engine? Plug Prysm into all of your systems. Control everything from memory allocation to rendering. Give a couple of days to your C++ engineers and watch them get excited over Prysm's performance.

Seamless engine integration

How It Works


If you are interested in more technical details and what exactly does the technology enable you to do, you might want to know all the features of Gameface.


Our docs contain the information necessary for starting with Gameface. Whether you are an engine programmer or a frontend developer this is the place for you.

Engines and Supported Platforms

Powered by Coherent Labs

If you want to see everything made with our products, please go to our showcase page.