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A high level shader construction syntax – Part II
October 19, 2012 TechTutorials

Enhanced shader syntax As explained in A high level shader construction syntax – Part I the proposed shader syntax is an extension

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A high level shader construction syntax – Part I
October 11, 2012 TechTutorials

Shader construction A challenge in modern graphics programming is the management of complicated shaders. The huge amount of  materials, lights

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Announcing Coherent UI
September 24, 2012 Release

Finally! We, the Coherent Labs team, are very proud to announce our first product – Coherent UI. After a mammoth

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Building a shared memory IPC implementation – Part II
August 28, 2012 TechTutorials

 Memory management This post is a follow-up on Building a shared memory IPC implementation – Part I. I’d like to discuss

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DLL export quirks
August 11, 2012 TechTutorials

Can you spot an error in this code (compiled with MSVC 2010 SP1 running on Win7; TestDLL is just a

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Building a shared memory IPC implementation – Part I
August 11, 2012 Blog

Overview Inter-process communication has become a very wide-spread pattern in many modern applications. The nice sandboxing that a multi-process architecture

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