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Our new release: Coherent UI Version
November 26, 2013 Release

Coherent UI now works under Wine   In our latest release Coherent UI comes with: New Features: – Unity3D/iOS –

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Live game views in Coherent UI
November 22, 2013 Workflow

Coherent UI provides a very easy way to create UI by embedding HTML5 into the game engine. But what about

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Coherent UI integration with Ogre3D (video tutorial)
November 13, 2013 TechTutorials

Hi Everyone, Coherent UI is well-known for its integration with Unity3D and CryEngine. Now we have expanded even further and

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Adding GUI to Unity game – Video Tutorial
October 23, 2013 TechTutorials

Update: Coherent UI is no longer supported. Check the features of our current products – Coherent GT and Hummingbird!  

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Overview of modern volume rendering techniques for games – Part I
October 16, 2013 Workflow

A couple of months ago Sony revealed their upcoming MMO title “EverQuest Next”. What made me really excited about it

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Answerables now in Open Beta!
October 08, 2013 Showcases

A week ago our friends from Uber Entertainment announced that Planetary Annihilation is going in Beta, and today we have

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Game and UI Communication in Unity3D (Video Tutorial)
October 02, 2013 TechTutorials

In this short video we take a look at the binding mechanisms that Coherent UI provides for Unity3D. We’ll explore

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Our new release: Coherent UI VERSION
October 01, 2013 Release

Now supporting Mac OS X 10.6   In our latest release Coherent UI comes with: New Features: – Support

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Planetary Annihilation beta available now
September 30, 2013 Showcases

Planetary Annihilation, Uber Entertainment’s Kickstarter-backed space-set RTS has now entered beta. The new Beta adds the ability to use planets as

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Game i18n via IME
September 26, 2013 TechTutorials

Internationalization (usually shortened i18n) is a clear requirement for any successful game and application. Especially when players are allowed to

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